Posted by TTN Palawan on
Probiotics are good bacterias that are found in foods such as yogurt and other fermented food products. These healthy bacterias may help in our digestive tract's functions and can prevent sickness or problems like diarrhea and constipation. They may also help boost your immune system that contributes to overall health.
Yogurt for Probiotic Consumption
Yogurt is a popular source or probiotics and can be part of a healthy diet that should be eaten in moderation. Maybe you are asking, "to get enough probiotics supply, how much yogurt do I need to eat?" Well, the answer is unclear.
If you are eating yogurt so you can have significant health benefits, make sure you are choosing yogurt that has a 'live or active cultures'.
The type of yogurt that you eat can also make a big difference. Some types such as organic are touted as the best when it comes to considering yogurt for probiotics needs. This is because they are not heat-treated after their fermentation. Different types of yogurt may contain different strains of bacteria that can be more beneficial for some people according to their needs. Bulgarian yogurt is one of the world's healthiest food and is consisted of two strains such as Lactobacillus Bulgaricus and Streptococcus Thermophilus.
Because most of the yogurt products available in the market today does not mention the dosage of probiotics (CFUs), it is hard to know how much yogurt we need to consume to get a significant amount of probiotics. A general guideline for yogurt to be considered probiotic, it should at least have 1 billion CFUs (colony forming units). This number is considered not therapeutic.
Yogurt is made of dairy and a good starting point for figuring out how much yogurt you should eat per day is the recommended daily consumption of dairy. For anyone over the age of 9, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's ChooseMyPlate website recommends 3 cups of dairy per day. Each cup of yogurt counts as 1 cup of dairy.
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