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News — Coffee

Health Benefits of Coffee

Posted by TTN Palawan on

Health Benefits of Coffee

The caffeine in coffee can help ease asthma attacks. Coffee drinkers are 50 percent less likely to get liver cancer than those who avoid the beverage. Caffeine can increase energy expenditure (calorie burning) Coffee has been linked to improved memory recall Coffee may also help prevent Alzheimer's, heart disease, gout, type 2 diabetes, and Parkinson's. Coffee may also lower the risk of breast, rectal, and colon cancers. Which country drinks most coffee per personTypes of Coffee Grind

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Which country drinks most coffee per person

Posted by TTN Palawan on

Which country drinks most coffee per person

Perking Up Japanese people are percolating more coffee than ever, but there's a yawning gap between them and the top beans in Scandinavia. Finland - 1252 cups of coffee per personSweden - 1,211Netherlands - 1,145Germany - 1,040Norway - 916Denmark - 845Belgium - 812Brazil - 780Tunisia - 747Slovenia - 734USA - 369South Korea - 240Japan - 207 Source: Euromonitor International (for the year 2014) Types of Coffee Grind

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Types of Coffee Grind

Posted by TTN Palawan on

Types of Coffee Grind

  Coarse large and chunky, similar to heavy kosher salt  plunger pot, french press, percolator, vacuum coffee pot Medium gritty texture with visible flakes like very coarse sand drip coffee makers with flat bottom filters Fine getting finer, like table salt drip coffee makers with cone-shaped filters Extra fine finer than granulated sugar espresso machines pump or steam Turkish powdered with no grains like flour ibid   Which country drinks most coffee per personHealth Benefits of Coffee

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