Infographic: Probiotic Rich Foods
Posted by TTN Palawan on

Apple Cider Vinegar - contain healthy acids that encourage a pH in your body that supports the growth of probiotics. |
Fermented Dairy - is probiotic-rich and helps improve gut health |
Sauerktraut - is rich in Lactobacillus. It's high in vitamin C and in digestive enzymes. |
Kimchi - the korean cousin to sauerktraut, made with Chinese cabbage and some other foods and spices. |
Natto - is a japanese dish of fermented soybeans high in Bacillus subtils. |
Kvass - is a common beverage in Eastern Europe made from fermented barley or rye. |
Miso - is a major component of japanese medicine. |
Kombucha - is black tea fermented using a symbolic colony of bacteria and yeast. |
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- Tags: Good Bacteria, Gut health, Kefir, Probiotic, Yogurt